The model simulates a male adult upper body structure, with anatomical structure of nasal cavity, oral cavity, teeth, tongue, uvula, reply, vocal cord, trachea, bronchi, lungs, esophagus, stomach, liver, diaphragmatic muscle, and small intestine. The simulator is made of imported material with realistic touch feeling, and the stomach is made of high intensity transparent material, which is convenient to observe.helper for pediatric nursing teaching and training.
1. Open chest wall skin to expose thoracic viscera and organs, such as stomach and lung, can examine if the operation is correct;
2. Insertion of gastric tube through mouth or nose: nasal feeding, gastrolavage, haemostasis and gastroscopy operation, simulated gastric fluid can be extracted when the operation is correct;
3. Endotracheal intubation via mouth or nose: Sputum suction and oxygen inhaling, etc
4. Postoperative care for incision of tracheal
5. Manually generated carotid arterial pulse
6. LCD display :different pupil states:normal.dilated. needle tip type.